
Our Story

HCFN History

A Journey of Resilience and Impact

The Haiti Community Foundation Network (HCFN), launched in January 2010 after the earthquake, is the first of its kind Haiti-based, Haitian-founded and led philanthropic organization. We are a US 501(c) 3 and Haiti registered entity with leadership spanning both countries. See the timeline of story below:


Founded by Marie-Rose Romain Murphy- January  2010

After the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, Economic Stimulus Project for Work and Action (ESPWA, Inc.), a transnational Haitian-led organization , launched Fondation Communautaire Haitienne-Espwa also known as the Haiti Community Foundation,with local, regional, national and international allies and stakeholders ("espwa" means hope in Haitian Creole). A few years later, ESPWA, Inc. and the Haiti Community Foundation (now a Haiti-based national network of regional funds) came together as the Haiti Community Foundation Network (HCFN) a community-led collaborative partnership dedicated to the transformation of their communities and committed to Haiti's ecosystems' development, community growth and nation building.


In 2011, Marie-Rose connected with Jenny Hodgson, the Executive Director of the Global Fund for Community Foundation. ESPWA,the Global Fund for Community Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation and the Puerto Rico Community Foundation launched the Haiti Community Foundation Initiative (HCFI) to help set up the Haiti Community foundation

In 2011, HCFI organized a forum in Kaliko in Haiti to consult a diverse group of local community leaders and international stakeholders to discuss whether or not Haiti needed a community foundation. The unanimous answer was yes and ESPWA was nominated to be the lead organization of HFCI. A Support Committee of Haitian activists was formed to guide HCFI


In 2012, the Local Leadership Committee voted to select the Grand’Anse as the pilot region. In October of 2012, ESPWA organized a two-day forum in Jeremie where Regional Leaders from various sectors discussed the status of the region and voted to welcome the Haiti Community Foundation Initiative and undergo a regional planning process. A regional committee of regional leaders formed to lead the bottom up regional planning process.

For two and a half years, the regional committee of the Grand’Anse worked with ESPWA on an extensive planning process that brought hundreds of community leaders from all sectors to evaluate their community’s needs, challenges, strengths and establish a consensus on their key priorities.


In 2014, a regional meeting bringing together about 70 leaders from the various communes including nine of the 12 mayors to discuss the initiative’s next steps and agree on regional priorities. The Community Leaders Network decided to call the Foundation Fondation Communautaire Haitienne-Espwa.


In 2016, Hurricane Matthew devastated the Grand’Anse and FCH-Espwa’s Community Leaders Network, now counting about 600 leaders mobilized to work on relief efforts of the most vulnerable communities. After consulting 216 leaders and establishing their priorities, FCH-Espwa developed Leve Kanpe, a project to address the communities’ priorities as they sought to get back on their feet and regain what they had lost.


In 2017-2018, more than 20,000 farmers were able to obtain quality adapted seeds in 47 municipal sections to revive agriculture in the Grand’Anse department after Hurricane Matthew.


In August 2021, an earthquake devastated the southern region of Haiti, where more than 85% of structures were severely affected in certain municipalities of Grand'Anse. Thanks to rapid mobilization of resources, 37,000 gallons of treated water were distributed to Corail and Pestel; nearly 1,000 families had received food support; Medicines/sanitary materials were distributed to approximately ten (10) hospitals and health centers allowing them to ensure adequate follow-up for the victims of this earthquake.


2022, reconstruction and equipment of the Latibolière health center, 4th municipal section of Jérémie.


2022-2023, Construction of two large community cisterns in Pestel (more than 20,000 gallons each), repair of the large cistern serving the town of Pestel with a capacity of more than 260,000 gallons, and the repair of 5 family cisterns in different sections of the commune of Pestel.


From 2021 to 2024, more than 43 organized structures (CBO, universities, hospitals/health centers) have been strengthened (training and/or subsidies) thanks to a solid selection and support process established by HCF-Espwa. These structures, led by women and men rooted in their communities, worked in various areas: savings and micro-credit, agriculture, livestock, post-harvest processing, strengthening of small businesses, education, health, research, etc. More than 12,000 families across the Southern Peninsula are already directly affected by this program.

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